What are the 5 elements required to set up a web page?

To set up a web page, you need the following five essential elements:

  1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): HTML is the foundational markup language used to structure the content of a web page. It provides the framework for elements like headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other components that make up the page’s structure.
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is used to style and design the web page’s appearance, including colors, fonts, layouts, and spacing. It separates the presentation from the content defined by HTML, allowing for consistent and visually appealing designs across multiple pages.
  3. Content: High-quality and relevant content is at the core of a web page. This includes text, images, videos, or any media that conveys the message and purpose of the page.
  4. Web Server: To make the web page accessible to users, it needs to be hosted on a web server. The web server stores the web page files and serves them to users’ browsers when they visit the website.
  5. Domain Name and Hosting: A domain name is the unique address that users type in their browsers to access the web page (e.g., www.example.com). Web hosting is the service that provides the server space and resources to store and serve the web page files online.

With these five elements in place, you can create and publish a functional web page that is accessible to users on the internet. HTML and CSS define the structure and design of the page, while the content provides the relevant information or media. Hosting the page on a web server and associating it with a domain name makes it accessible to visitors, allowing them to access the web page through their browsers.